الخطابات المرسلة بالفعل : 21806
خطابات عشوائية
الأكثر شعبية
I will live in New York. I will be rich and i will have island. I will go to university. I will have tattoo . I will have big house. I will act in film. I will have two big cars.

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They say no response is a response but having no response from you hurts like hell

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Hey Mo. So you should be graduation high school today or around today. This is the 8th grade you if you didn't remember. I hope you're still reading. Are you still playing guitar, piano or still...

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Hi Ed, You are writing this from China in 2012, the British Olympics are about to start. I hope that you have done some of the things that you wanted to do. You better be playing the guitar well...

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Dear futureme, apa khabar awak kat sana?masih sihat ke?aku sekarang sihat cuma kadang2 banyak masalah yang timbul waktu ini..dan penyakit paling teruk pernah aku alami adalah penyakit malas..yes...

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