الخطابات المرسلة بالفعل : 21806
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الأكثر شعبية
It's time for me to move on.. You'll always be my always. Thanks for everything, P. aju. -forever beshie

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Hi Jonah, Today is March 9, 2014, in your home, at 5am in the morning: At exactly 5 years you will get this letter...hopefully there will be changes...maybe...just maybe... Yesterday,...

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hey future me.. i hope you are doing well, i hope esta zor dlxosh bi w hamw shtek ka basar hatwa wak xaweky naxoshy le hatbe ka biniwta w tawaw nak lagalta bzhy . i hope kawtbita sar pey xot w you...

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Hi sweetie, It's been less than three months since you told me about her. The pain is less because slowly but surely I'm slowly accepting reality, that you chose her over me. Until now, I'm...

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