الخطابات المرسلة بالفعل : 21805
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الأكثر شعبية
Hi Afra, it's me. I'm currently 15 years old, it is April 13th 2020 at 12:44 am. I'm sitting at my desk in my pyjamas, with my dédi blanket on my lap. Today/yesterday I guess was Easter Sunday. I...

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Hey Caitlin, Just wanted to say I hope you are doing good and I am happy that I got to know you. You are a beautiful person. You said you liked snail mail. -Sampson p.s. Happy Birthday!

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Dear Kyle, How are you? How is school? Are you dating anyone? Have you graduated? Is Tylor in the Army yet? I hope you are doing good and hope you have a even better life later in your life.

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This is you, from 10 yrs ago. What are you doing now? Are you and Ben still together? Are your grown children part of your life yet? Do the girls still love and respect you? Are you as happy now as...

اقرأ الخطاب بالكامل

Olá futura eu! Como vai você? Espero que esteja bem. Estou escrevendo esta carta no dia 01 de outubro de 2016 e já se passaram 10 anos não é mesmo?. Pelas minhas contas esta completando 30...

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