Dear future me,
Hi! By now you have graduated high school, and have probably learned how to drive and taken some classes in aeronautical engineering/flying. This year was the first year in...
It's me ya girl you from 3 years ago. I just wanted to make sure your eating properly and not beating yourself about dumb things like you currently do. Since it should be around Feb 2023 you should...
Labas Ugnyte,
Rašau tau laišką iš praeities. Dabar tau yra tik du su puse metukų ir tu dar nemoki skaityti, bet kai gausi šitą laišką jau pati galėsi perskaityti. Dabar jau tau yra...
Cagliari, 11 giugno 2017 to somewhere, 11 giugno 2027
Cara me, di nuovo.
Non so dove tu sia in questo momento, cosa tu stia facendo e forse non so nemmeno chi tu sia oggi. Però ci conosciamo,...
Labas Monika,
tau dabar si laiska rashau ish darbo penkiuose, nuo mano laisko ishsiuntimo praejo trys metai, tikiuosi viskas dar gerai ;-)* Su artėjančiu gimtadieniu ;P