الخطابات المرسلة بالفعل : 21804
خطابات عشوائية
الأكثر شعبية
Dear Jacob, Your 21, Happy Birthday! You have gone through so much in you youth. Wow, I'm starting to sound old when im young. But, honestly your three months of hell, your annoying father,...

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Hey Jared, it’s Jared, though I’m much younger than you at the time of writing this. 10 years younger actually, so how have you been? You still making sure to be happy everyday? I know it gets...

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Я задала тебе долеко не все вопросы т.к. несколько раз страница переобновлялась... И я не хочу больше так...

اقرأ الخطاب بالكامل

Are you married yet? If not why not? What did you do wrong? If so, and you own a home with a garden... Today; Plant a tree and wait for maturity, once grown read a page of the life diary...

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Love of Mylife I love you with all that I am. I am amazed everyday I am with you how much you mean to my life and my happiness. Your level of understanding and your ability to manage my...

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