When I first saw you, I saw love
And the first time you touched me, I felt love
And after all this time
You're still the one I love
Looks like we made it
Look how far we've come, my baby
To Senior Ja-Nae Molina; “Remind yourself that success is achieving something while facing disappointment, jealousy, and guilt.”
God, I hope you don’t end up quitting for the next 2 years,...
Na va liko viena diena iki mano gimtadienio. Jau baigei mokyklą ir tikiuosi gerai išlaikei egzaminus ;-). pabandysiu atspėti kaip išlaikiau ;-D :
1.Chemija 96proc.
2. Biologija 97 proc.
Labas Eimante,
Ką tu, mažoji Grige? :D
Nieko nesugalvoju, bet nesvarbu.
Ger, čiau :D
Su Velykom :D
Letter to myself [December 7 2020]
Dear future self.
I hope you are doing well. Right now I'm in the last weeks of my first quarter in college. It's been a journey of highs and lows, but I've...