الخطابات المرسلة بالفعل : 21806
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الأكثر شعبية
Dear Potty Brain, This is Jennifer Du and if I am correct, it is around August 1, 2013? Hopefully... I honestly wish you a really great birthday, Sarena. You deserve it, and I don\'t know how to...

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Dear future me, how are you?I hope you are happy with your family. Have you found your passion?I mean your education that you interested in your future?I think now you are study about...

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Sveikas jaunuoli, tadien, kai sedėjau automobilyje ir rašiau šita laišką, klausiau savęs ar tai pavyks, juk bus praeję 3 metai... Man tik įdomu ar aš busiu sėkmingai pabaigęs mokslus ir...

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Hey Cass, How are you going? Very well, I hope. This letter will be sent a month after writing it (ie, January 9, 2012). If it arrives at that time, Happy 21st!! =) 2012 should be your...

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Dear Taylor Lunford, When I wrote this I was freshman in the year of 2014 -2015 at Glades Day School. In health class I learned that you have to eat healthy such as eating fruit and vegetables. My...

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