الخطابات المرسلة بالفعل : 21867
خطابات عشوائية
الأكثر شعبية
At this day you have promised to your Gf to end up with your master report befor 16/03/2012, Time is up now ! so did you finished and accomplished your mission ? Men never fail or give up...

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Dear, Rosalia My favorite part of 6th grade was when I met Sophie. She changed my life. She has made me happy everyday. Remember she has awesome comedy. One Challenge that has not been...

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Dear future me, My favorite part of sixth grade was playing sports.I played softball and soccer and I really enjoyed softball and I really got along with the people on the soccer team except one...

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Labas mergyt!!! Aš labai labai labai labai Tave myliu ir sveikinu su taip ilgai lauktu 18 gimtadieniu! :* Tu esi nerealiai nereali, niekad to nepamiršk! Pameni, kai mes kalbėjom kažkada...

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Dear joan my favorite part of 6th grade was making many friends we may have played around in class but they were always there to make me laugh even tho they talked bad about me they didn't...

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