الخطابات المرسلة بالفعل : 21805
خطابات عشوائية
الأكثر شعبية
Dear Jennifer, This is yourself from the future of 10 years, specifically from April 29, 2013. You should be 25 right now, and I\'m terribly sad because I cannot imagine myself so grown up. I am...

اقرأ الخطاب بالكامل

Happy birthday fitri Ini fitri masa 16 tahun yang corona corona tu Kaw dh 2 dekad hidup So mesti byk kaw dh belajar sepanjang hidup kaw kan Aq rasa kaw tgh study dekat abroad kalaw lucky atau...

اقرأ الخطاب بالكامل

Здарова чувак! Желаю тебе стабильных и серьезных отношений с твоей девчонкой, и чтоб ты .... (тут много плохих...

اقرأ الخطاب بالكامل

Hey! Dear old me! I wrote this letter in 2017, but you read this letter in 2027 WOW! It's CRAZY! You are 25 years old! I don't believe it! Now, I am 15 years old, I live in Taillan-Médoc with my...

اقرأ الخطاب بالكامل

Dear FutureMe, Merry Christmas! I hope you’re happy. Today it is 24th April 2020 and you took part in Young Audience Award, you just finished watching Rocca is changing the world. Today you...

اقرأ الخطاب بالكامل

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