الخطابات المرسلة بالفعل : 21806
خطابات عشوائية
الأكثر شعبية
Dear You, I miss you so much it hurts.

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Happy BIRTHDAY tipe this in

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Hi Sweetie, Here I am again writing you another future letter. I chose to send this letter on this day because this is the day you told me you like me while drunk. Around this time you met Nen...

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Ciao Antonio del futuro. Ti scrivo dal 16 maggio 2020, in un mondo dominato dal Covid dove le mascherine sul viso sono la normalità. So che sei stato male durante tutto l'anno 2020, so che ti...

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Dear FutureMe, How are you? Do you still alive? You must be fine, okay! I'm yourself 1 year ago.... I'm sure you don't forget about it. .....you remember all about it, don't you? Okay. The...

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