الخطابات المرسلة بالفعل : 21869
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Sveikas, Rašau tau iš praeities ir sveikinu su 18-uoju gimtadieniu! Pasirašo: Aš iš praeities. 2011-10-30 14:00

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Hey what's up? Today is Tir 7, 1396. Your first day of your first job ever :) i'm not sure howit will go by I decided to give it a shot. You I sort of didn't expect you to live longer than 21years...

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To my dearest bb baho, Hi future 27-year-old baho! By this time you are already a licensed civil engineer and I am so proud of you. Always b. today is our 669 day of talking po online, at this...

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Dear FutureMe, okay , so how you doin ? must be great and i hope you've achieved some of your life goals till now ! so i just watched a movie "interstellar" . It was a fucking great movie with...

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Miela ateities aš :) Kur tu dabar? Ar tu jau vedus? Ar tu turi vaikų? Ar energetinis vis dar yra tavo mėgstamiausias gėrimas? Ar baigei universitetą? Kur tu dabar gyveni? Ar kada nors...

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