الخطابات المرسلة بالفعل : 21805
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الأكثر شعبية
Hi, it's Brandon from December 10th, 2011 reminding you that it's been 10 years since Zack, Aaron, Justin, Steven, Sarah, Johnny, Brooke and I buried the time capsule in my backyard. My cousin...

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Hello myself. As you know, today is Valentine's Day. Chances are you're a lonely bastard today and you're feeling like shit. SOOOOO here I am, trying to cheer you up with this wonderful letter!!!!!...

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Dear FutureMe, How are you? How's your life? Have you found your passion, your strength, a hobby that you love? I believe that you're now. What are you doing now? I mean what's your job...

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Espero, por nuestro bien, que estés triunfando y no vivas en España. Espero, por nuestro bien, que hayas conseguido llevar a Noseasimbecil.com al nivel que siempre hemos querido llevar....

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Dear future maria, I would like you to know that write know is a hard time and it can change everyone's lives in a split second hundreds and thousands of people are dying each day because of the...

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