Dear Taylor Lunford,
When I wrote this I was freshman in the year of 2014 -2015 at Glades Day School. In health class I learned that you have to eat healthy such as eating fruit and vegetables. My...
Sveikas, Ričerdai. Kaip kalėdos? gavai ko nori? Kaip atšventei? Ar betiki manimi. Pameni praitas kalėdas tau padovanojau PSP kurio tu nenorėjai dalintis su broliais. Ar patiko mano dovana?
You may think that you are a man, but you are not. You - are infact a man.
I do not know why are you a man, but I know that you are a man, and I am a man that is a drakon underwater, I do not know...
Nusišypsok :)
2011-09-27 15:51:14
Labas, Sūnau,
rašau tau vėlų vakarą (tu ir sesė turbūt jau miegat).
Noriu, kad žinotum - labai, labai tave myliu ir visada mylėsiu, kad ir kas benutiktų, kad ir kaip bepasielgtum. Aš...