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2022 Me, You graduated high school ten years ago! You did such a great job and learned so much. I hope that you are still an amazing person, I trust you to have done great things by now. Love,...

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Hey you smug son of a bitch yeah I'm talking to you Jordan By this time you better have at least one degree working on another and have a beast ass job. You also better have a minor and have...

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Hi This is 2013 6/07/2013 I\'m just 26 years. Its ten years ago . I just wanna know what you are doing in 2023 hope you are having what I expected. And you are too old huh? 37 now right? All...

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Sveikas! Turbūt jau esi neblogai prakalęs PS ir AE. Įdomų kokia versija jau pas jus ten sukurta :D Aš tai va, sėdžiu, dešimtoje klasėje. Mokausi gitaros, Bacho "Menueto" ir "Romanso"....

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Labas. Čia aš Evelina iš praeities kitaip taren tu. Šiuo tarpu mano ūgis 1m. 62cm. sveriu 42,3 kg.Man 13 metų. Vis dar esu naturali blondinė ;D Namie auginame katiną Pukakomą, šunį...

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