Am Beliebtesten
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Cara me del futuro futuro non tanto lontano ma comunque futuro, sei riuscita a dimagrire? Qualche giorno fa sei andata dalla dietista, com'è andata? Comunque vada sono fiera di te. Ieri...

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Dear Max, Happy Birthday To you! You are now 17.If you go to BELIZE,You can smoke weed there legally. I pray to God for a long, healthy, and rocking life for you. May He shower all His grace...

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Hello Saniya When I grow up and like to be a pharmacy like a doctor. I hate corona virus because all the shops are close and could not meet my grandma its very sad. All school close and we have...

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Привет, как ты там? я так понимаю сто ты сейчас с Женей не общаешься, ну с Ремняковой . Вообщем хочу...

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Labas Monika, tau dabar si laiska rashau ish darbo penkiuose, nuo mano laisko ishsiuntimo praejo trys metai, tikiuosi viskas dar gerai ;-)* Su artėjančiu gimtadieniu ;P

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