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Dear, Khrystyna, happy birthday!!!! I don't know how I'm going to be at the moment when I read this latter, but I hope I changed. I did a lot in my life, but not enough: I have a few years of...

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Labas, čia rašo Gintarė iš praeities. Turbūt dar pameni mano amžių, paprasta mergaitė, galbūt neišsiskiria niekuo, galbūt dar turi paieškoti giliai savęs, ir galbūt dar nežino ko...

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Not gonna lie, I'm a bit pissed because I just wrote you a whole letter about dreams and shit and it got deleted. Not sure I can be that deep again. You're twenty nine, today. Hopefully, if I got...

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Dear future self: Ten years ago, you lived in a world where it was impossible to escape the media, alongside with marketing and advertising. I do not see any possibilities that there will be any...

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You did it. You made it. You nailed it. You've graduated. You're here. I'm so proud of you. Please hug yourself. You're incredible. You graduated. 18 years, babygirl. We're here. I love you....

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