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are you homeless yet? if not you must have found a good job or smthn. anyways ur gonna remember this and think you were emberassing or smthn idk what else to wright

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Hey dad, this letter has spent 1 month in the swiss alps as i am writing this on the 16th November 2012, its not really as fun at the ones im going to write for other birthdays for the family as...

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May 31, 2020 (day 613) To my favorite person in the world, It's honestly weird yet funny how I always end up typing my letters around 3 - 4 AM. You seriously need to get out of my head...

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Dear FutureMe, First of All don't forget the LORD always pray and take care to your siblings always look to the past and remember to write this letter again and your Otaku Anime Lover and don't...

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Labas, Liūtuke. Jei skaitai dabar šį laišką, vadinasi viskas pavyko puikiai. Rašau šį laišką 2013 07 20 su tikslu, kad už mėnesiuko, kai mums bus metukai, Tu jį skaitysi ir šypsosies,...

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