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Marte, how are you? I hope everything is fine! Well, it\'s Marco talking from the past so don\'t be scared! I know this sounds weird but yeah, I\'m talking with you, right now. I hope we...

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Hello there; If you didn't automatically think "General Kenobi", I am very disappointed in you. When you get this letter, you're gonna be 18! You should know things like this!! Anyways, I'm...

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Merry Christmas bb

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Hey, je suis ton toi du passé du 18 juillet 2020 et j'ai 15 ans ! Je suis actuellement en 3eme, l'époque où tu as eu la mention Bien sans passer le Brevet des collèges ! Comment va Maxime ?...

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keep moving forward no matter how hard it seems you will making through anything look how far you have come with two beautiful children who love you times my get hard dont ever give up no matter...

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