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Letzte Briefe
Привет, малышка! Вот и прошло полгода с того момента, когда ты начала вести ежедневник «6 минут». Я надеюсь,...

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This letter will reach you by 2026. Why I chose this date? This is where I (past you) wanted to be married and maybe be planning for children. Today (your past) is your birthday, May 1st, 2017 and...

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Labas ,aukseli. Šiandien yra antroji diena ,kaip tau septyniolika metų .Idomu ,ar tavo gyvenimas labai pasikeitė per penkis mėnesius; kaip tau sekasi naujojoje mokykloje ;ar turi antrąją...

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Dear You, I'am praying for you tonight. I may not know your entire name or where you exactly been living, or where you are in this very moment and how are you now. But poppa god does..& he...

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Hi, hello. Right now I’m sitting in the halls with D. (she is doing her math homework right now; she’s stressed). But who isn’t at this point? My friends are still getting their grades...

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