I just hope you haven't dropped out yet and I hope you past your pre reqs. I am very happy in the situation I am right now, have you made any new friends yet. I just hope you will do better this...
вера, ты самая лучшая!! я не знаю как я сейчас выгляжу и не знаю как у меня дела но надеюсь, что все хорошо!! ты...
May 31, 2020 (day 613)
To my favorite person in the world,
It's honestly weird yet funny how I always end up typing my letters around 3 - 4 AM. You seriously need to get out of my head...
Sveika, šeimyna :)
Kaip gyvenat? Kaip laikotės? Rašau aš, Agnė iš praeities :) šiandien 2011.11.02 13:12. Siunčiu linkėjimus į ateitį. Visada norėjau Jums padėkoti, kad mane...
Are you married yet? If not why not? What did you do wrong?
If so, and you own a home with a garden...
Today; Plant a tree and wait for maturity, once grown read a page of the life diary...