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To Senior Ja-Nae Molina; “Remind yourself that success is achieving something while facing disappointment, jealousy, and guilt.” God, I hope you don’t end up quitting for the next 2 years,...

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Dear Aunty Bre, this is Cita. Right now I am 12 years old and in the 7th grade. I hope i'm still around so I can see what you look like when you get this message. By now I should be 16. I wanted...

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Labas. Žinau jog aš esu tu, tu esi aš, bet tai koks skirtumas. Šiandien katė buvo pas veterinare (2015-01-16) (19:40). Tai va nežinau ka rasyti, bet mano iPade nėra visu Lietuvišlu raidžiu...

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Nusišypsok, Egle.. Šiandien Tavo diena ir juk pati zinai, jog tai kas buvo niekada nesugražinsi, o tai kas bus Tau niekada nepaiks, tad nedvėjok ir daryk, tai ką nori :}

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Dear Danny, This is kind of weird--me sitting here writing this and reading it at the same time. Kind of unfair don't you think? I have no idea who you are. Yet, you have the privilege to know...

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