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May 28th, 2014 Dear Future Me: I am 13 years old. I am sitting in Mrs. Warfields’ communication arts class. Its May 28th, 10:27am. Anyway, my life is, okay. I...

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Cara me futura, Come stai? Non dire bene per sembrare più forte, lo sei e la te del passato pure, non ti abbatte, sei arrivata qui, un anno dopo la scorsa lettera, raccomtami cos'è combiato, che...

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I will marry my love.I will have two kids.My job will be singer.I will drive kia. My honeymoon in the New York.

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Dear You, I miss you so much it hurts.

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DearFuture Sara, It's been since 9/17/2012! Where are you at this time? Do you have your own studio? Living it up? Married to the man of your dreams? Are you still with Troy Hirschhorn? Did he...

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