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Letzte Briefe
Hey me! Com'è la vita nel 2017? Spero bella! Oggi fai 18 anni credo, io ne ho ancora 16 (oggi è il 29 febbraio 2015).Il 18 aprile farò la mia prima esibizione con le colorful,che ansia cristo-...

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Hi, How are you? I hope you are happy with the girl you love and your family. Sorry if this letter is disturbing you. I write this letter on 20 /4 /2020 day 32 of Malaysia RMO due to covid 19....

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Labas! Sunku suvokti, kad jau baigiasi birželis ir mus išskėstomis rankomis pasitinka liepa. Visą mėnesį išmėčiau nereikalingiems drybsojimams prie tv, pc, miegojimui, valgymui,...

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Hi! I am sorry if life is still hard because of hair, though I expect it( hair) to be much better now. Got your mind on studies? I will make sure you are studying Computer Science at IIT...

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A LETTER FROM 2017 http://sizdahom.com/lhFoa

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