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Dear Ema, you are loved respected treasured adored cherished longed for and missed. If during these 10 years that have passed since I wrote this letter I did not tell you these...

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Erm, Hello. I'm writing this because I know you'll appreciate it. I know you'll read every word eagerly and smile. I know you love this type of shit. I know your heart is beating fast and you're...

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Dear Tyler Joy, First of all, happy birthday. You turn 20 this year. Unless you got us killed, that is. Try not to do that, alright? In case you've forgotten about this, I am writing this letter...

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Надеюсь ты сделал игру как плонировал , либо стал киберспорцменом,ели нет то хотябы начаел стримить ( если...

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Hola Juli, quizás cuando te llegue esto, quizás sea medio raro para vos, para mí no porque es primero de agosto de 2020, en plena cuarentena por pandemia jajaj, ojalá sigamos hablando man, sino...

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