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Hello C.A. sarvagya jain How are you.you may be surprised that who has written this letter.but this is you only by the link http://www.letter2future.com/hi/write-letter/ . so tell me hows ur...

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Dear future Sarah, 12/6/18 Hi future Sarah! I could lie and say I love you but tbh I'm pretty contempt with hating myself at the moment. lol. I've been writing myself a lot of letters to...

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Sveiki Aš Emilija. rašau šį laišką pirmą kartą.

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Hi Babe! Happy one year! I stumbled upon this awesome website tonight and figured that I would send you a letter on our one year (assuming that we are still together and you don\'t hate me [which...

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sveika, sveikinu tave su gimtadieniu, linkiu tau laimės, džiaugsmo, sveikatos, meilės, gražių čiuvų, svajonių išsipildymo ir visko ko tavo širdis geidžia!!! Myliu -A.D.

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