Am Beliebtesten
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Hello future Bella! This is only 2 years ahead but I assume you're going to be a completely different person honestly. There is so much that is bound to change and it exciting to think about. So...

Kompletten Brief lesen


Kompletten Brief lesen

Sveika Gerda, kiek metų prabėgo.. Dabar sėdžiu savo tėvų namuose ir rašau tau šį laišką ir ištikrųjų nežinau, ką noriu tau pasakyti. Man begalo įdomu, kokia tu esi dabar, ko...

Kompletten Brief lesen

привет! как ты там, Катя? Как твоё самочувствие? Надеюсь, с тобой всё хорошо. как у тебя на личном? Есть...

Kompletten Brief lesen

Dear Emilio, This is a letter to my future self. Right now im pretty happy with how life has gone. I have a good enough GPA and social life to be fulfilling without it being too stressful. I...

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