Am Beliebtesten
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Dear Mauricio, Hope that from a year from today you'll be making much more than you are right now in your life. Keep designing for the love of it, never loose that passion. Remember that time...

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Hello friend. Do you know who I am? I bet you can guess. I am you. You might wonder how this is possible, considering you never wrote this. Except, you did. 2 years ago. My name is Ashton Scott...

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i am the happiest person in the world : )

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Yo Arjun Bhatnagar, How Are You, you are now 14 years old, How Is GTA 5 For Pc huh!! Is it Going To release. Happy birthday!!!! We will never meet but bye!!!!

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Cecilia, It's Cecilia! You!Me? Us? (hmmm, weird...) . Well, if you recall correctly, Mr.Man gave you an assignment to write a letter to your future self, which would be you. I hope everything is...

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