Am Beliebtesten
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Dear Future, Hi, How are you? Well its your birthday, Happy birthday future. I hope you have job now. Do you remember the period when you had no job and you rejected the job offer of...

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Karolina, Dabar tu jau didelė. Bet ar atsimeni tą garbanotą mergytę kuri amžinai meluodavo? Tai va čia aš labai mėgstu klausytis Lady Gag'os, skaitau knygą aukštyn laiptais...

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Привет дружище! Это ты из 2023. Ну что рассказывай, как дела у тебя? Как жизнь, как семья? Как закончил школу? Как...

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Another one

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This is you, from 10 yrs ago. What are you doing now? Are you and Ben still together? Are your grown children part of your life yet? Do the girls still love and respect you? Are you as happy now as...

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