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August 26,2015 Dear Brittany Your doing better don’t fuck up or your p.o gonna be on your ass and put a damn bracelet on you and track you every...

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Hi Max how's it going? How's life? Is it rain there when you receive this? Just a quick heads up, I wrote this letter to you, my future self, 10 years ago out of bore, really. The weather was...

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Hey Mari, It's me... You Today is June,2nd. I decided to try another sight instead of Futureme.org I don't know about though because you can actually send a letter to yourself. and I love...

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Dear FutureMe, YOU ARE TWO-ZERO! TWENTY! WOW! Now. You need to hangouts chat Isaac Perkins, (his email is dragonboyinafire@gmail.com. Remind him that at 20 you were gonna buy Twenty One Pilots...

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Do you remember that time when you went on letter2future and wrote yourself this email thinking you'd troll your future self? lol I think so

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