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Dear me, Ilike football,tennis and handball.I love videos games FIFA or BATTLEFIELD.I like to listen to musics of 50 Cent or Eminem and Young Thug. My favourite movie is "La Ligne Verte".I like...

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Happy 13th Max! It's you from the past still waiting to turn into that magic 13 YO! I just wanna say you are the best friend I could possibly have, quite literally! Remember next year, you've...

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Rokai, Išaušo ta diena, kai galiu pats save nuoširdžiai pasveikinti su 25-uoju gimtadieniu! Rokai, tikiuosi visi tavo norai išsipildė, o kas neišsipildė, dar išsipildys. :) Rašau tau...

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i wrote this letter because im starting this eog and it's coming up soon i really won't to past it and make it to 7th grade and keep on going till im out of school i hope i pass the reading and...

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Chissà chi sei diventata Sto scrivendo questa lettera in una calda sera di agosto. Ho 25 anni, sto studiando (in maniera discutibile) per prendere la patente, e presto dovrò capire dove dirigere...

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