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YOU DID IT!! You made it to your 19th Birthday! yay!! Now its time to talk. DANNY. Those 5 letters haunt you, just say it's true. What happened? Why? Why didn't you try? Or was it him? I hope your...

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Hi Jonah, Today is March 9, 2014, in your home, at 5am in the morning: At exactly 5 years you will get this letter...hopefully there will be changes...maybe...just maybe... Yesterday,...

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Hi this is you from the past. I wrote this on 21/07/2012 at around 7:10. This is the first day of Ramadhan. I hope by now you have your life in order and are on your way to go to Otago university!...

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ты смогла похудеть до 35кг? у тебя красивая талия? ты любишь себя? поступила в муз. колледж? собираешься...

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Labas, brangioji! Visų pirma tai esu dėkinga tau, kad radai šį tinklalapį, kuris gamina tokius stebuklus :) Tikiuosi šiandien tavo gimtadienis, nes mano tikslas, kad laišką gautum būtent...

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