Am Beliebtesten
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Du bist ein wundervoller Mensch, du hast schon viel erreicht, du hast viel Geld auf dem Konto. Ich werde mich mein Leben lang weiter entwickeln, weil ich ein wundervoller Mensch bin. Datum 12.5.2021

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Yo Arjun Bhatnagar, How Are You, you are now 14 years old, How Is GTA 5 For Pc huh!! Is it Going To release. Happy birthday!!!! We will never meet but bye!!!!

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Day 760 February 29,2020 Saturday, Date Night. 11:02 pm B, tonight is our first and last leap year together. Happy 1 decade my bb :))

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.. ..as all starts, we were strangers. .. hey, it's me. 3nood, the junior you seem to spend your time teaching and listening to. your deer lmao. i'm writing this on the 11th of june of 2017,...

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Dear anishka, I’m writing you this letter instead of texting you because I’m in no mood to deal with your deflecting and denying any of all responsibility. The purpose of this letter is to...

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