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Hello C.A. sarvagya jain How are you.you may be surprised that who has written this letter.but this is you only by the link http://www.letter2future.com/hi/write-letter/ . so tell me hows ur...

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hey Bea :) so che magari non ti ricorderai di me... o forse si dai siamo positivi! comunque siamo vecchie oh... 27 anni voglio dire ne abbiamo fatta di strada. Spero che noi saremo ancora amiche...

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Hoi mase depan jai...ko buat ape skang?aku harap ko dah jadi jutawan?ko pakai kete ape skang?anak ko dah berape?bini ko name ape?Ko akan dapat surat ni mase besday ko yang ke 39...ko jagelah...

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Hey Makikou, It's a strange adventure. I just hope that you are doing great, finally found the real you, found happiness, decided what you really want and maybe even met an amazing girl (because...

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