Am Beliebtesten
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When I first saw you, I saw love And the first time you touched me, I felt love And after all this time You're still the one I love Looks like we made it Look how far we've come, my baby We...

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Dear Izzi, Im bored before work one day when i stumbled across this weird site ... apparently it lets me write a letter then specify a time for you to receive it ... i have no idea if this is...

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'If not now then when?' Tikiuos teisingai naudoji šiuos žodžius iki dabar. Aš tuo nė neabejoju. Tikiu, jog būsi ten, kur nori būti ir tuo,kuo nori būti. Tavo praeities aš....

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happy bday crodi, ez crodi pce out big man big money chase the bag -abhir from past

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