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August 26,2015 Dear Brittany Your doing better don’t fuck up or your p.o gonna be on your ass and put a damn bracelet on you and track you every...

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Labas, rašau tau prieš 3 metus! Ko gero, jau pamiršai, kad tokį laiškutį rašei sau. Pagal viską, dabar laikai egzaminus. Sėkmės, nes tau prireiks aukščiausių balų. Na va, parašysiu...

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Dear future me in 1 year, I think you will recall all too well the feelings, emotions and aspirations you are reading on this letter as only a year has gone by since. Never the less, I hope that...

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Joining FYP and being able to be a part of a special group of orientation leaders makes it difficult to stand out/set me apart from the rest. By the end of this, I want to feel as if I completed...

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