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Hi, Beckah/Yuki, how are you? Did you ever get off medications? Or more so, how is your mental state? I'm writing this December 31, 2014 at 7:55am. Right now you're sick, just a head cold, nothing...

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Dear FutureMe, How are you? Do you still alive? You must be fine, okay! I'm yourself 1 year ago.... I'm sure you don't forget about it. .....you remember all about it, don't you? Okay. The...

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Dear future me, how are you?I hope you are happy with your family. Have you found your passion?I mean your education that you interested in your future?I think now you are study about...

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Hi, I would have quit smoking by now!

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Hi buddy, By the time you are reading this I assume you're already 22. You made it! Just want to remind you of how strong you've become during those trying times. I know 2020 had been rough...

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