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mnnghhmnnghhmnnghh mnnghh mnnghhmnnghhmnnghh mnnghhmnnghhmnnghh mnnghhmnnghhmnnghh

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Dear Kyle, How are you? How is school? Are you dating anyone? Have you graduated? Is Tylor in the Army yet? I hope you are doing good and hope you have a even better life later in your life.

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Привет! С днем рожденияяяя! Это опять я. вот кста еще скрины из игры. пока.

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Hai alv. this is your past self. How are you? Had you relapsed or are you already good? I hope you are still in uni and havent dropped out yet. I know things sometimes gets hard, memories sometimes...

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Hi you wrote this when you were sick on November 21,2011. You were awesome and Alex and I are in love! You smoke pot and drink and party alot.

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