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Hi, it's me again.... feeling the back pain because of my period and feeling uncomfortable with the situations in life... I think I need to complain less about people especially to other people.....

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Sveikas! Turbūt jau esi neblogai prakalęs PS ir AE. Įdomų kokia versija jau pas jus ten sukurta :D Aš tai va, sėdžiu, dešimtoje klasėje. Mokausi gitaros, Bacho "Menueto" ir "Romanso"....

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Ciao Antonio del futuro. Ti scrivo dal 16 maggio 2020, in un mondo dominato dal Covid dove le mascherine sul viso sono la normalità. So che sei stato male durante tutto l'anno 2020, so che ti...

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labas, rasau pati sau i ateity. Taigi dabar sau sedziu prie kompiuteriu ir internete pamaciau kad galiu nusiusti sau laiska i ateity. Kaip idomu!!! :) Dabar Karina su Rusne valgo, katinai miega,...

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Congratulations! You, sir, are eligible to receive Social Security benefits provided that you're still alive. Sincerely, Me.

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