Am Beliebtesten
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Dear Olive, We have only met twice, and you are currently 10 months old. You are really cute though! And I fell in love with you the second I saw you... instantly. I cant wait to know how you...

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Ma poupée ,haja lawla joyeux anniversaire ; bach mat9olich nssinak wella , ani wajadthalak 9bal el wa9t lyoum on est le 15 juin 2013 , rani bayta fi darkom :p ,, nti ki el 3ada r9edti w ana...

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Hi lazy girl How is ur assignment going? How is ur study going? Good luck to all exams u face now!

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Dear future me, I'm writing this letter to say hi :) it's been a long year since I wrote this letter for you (January 6, 2016). I hope and I pray that you become what you want to be....

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Hey Joel what's up? Well let's see where do I start... Well Let me start off by saying this,Congratulation's on getting your GED,I'm so happy for you.This is but ONE step closer to your dream but...

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