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Labas Monika, tau dabar si laiska rashau ish darbo penkiuose, nuo mano laisko ishsiuntimo praejo trys metai, tikiuosi viskas dar gerai ;-)* Su artėjančiu gimtadieniu ;P

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Шотаке шотаке? 5 років... як цікаво шо там буде) Де я буду і ким? Зараз інвестую в себе, я, як ніколи,...

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Hi Resti, 5 years from ago, you are working at DSSC tech. and you received the attached message. The stupid son of your boss. plus currently your son is at the hospital with fever and bacterial...

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Dear Claire, We are sorry for ripping your coat. We can hardly sleep at night. Its horrible so we wrote you a poem: We ripped coat So we left you this note Taj Could have died see it from...

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Dear Niha, How's it going???? We're stuck at home right now. I'm sooooo bored and so done with Papa and Niya Chechi. They're so frustrating. Anyways, I think you had enough of that. Corona is...

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