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Dear Axel i hope you are fine Today I want to tell you that you are a brave and kind person, that even if you feel that you need someone by your side remember that you have your family and...

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Tau rašo Greta iš praeities! būū, šiandien man sueina 17, švenčiu - prižiūriu Jorį. :) Liko metai iki pilnametystės, visai jau didelė aš, o jaučiuosi taip pat kaip visada turbūt -...

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dear lenara!!!! happy birthday you lovely gal you!!!! at the moment we are sitting together doing absolutly nothing. its grand. greece is fun its way too hot but whatever! anyway i love you bunches...

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Dear future self, I am 13 years old and it is the second week of school. I sit next to this kid named Trini. Today is the the first day of basketball tryouts. This quarter i would...

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are you homeless yet? if not you must have found a good job or smthn. anyways ur gonna remember this and think you were emberassing or smthn idk what else to wright

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