Am Beliebtesten
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Letzte Briefe
I grew up always looking around trying to remember faces, and wondering to myself, will on of these people impact my life someday? Did my future wife just walk by? There's no telling how many times...

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i will merry on inginer my job will be singer i wiil drive audi 4 Have my honeymay is london

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Labas mažiau ;* šiandien debesėli, mums labai svarbi diena :)) taigi sveikinu su mūsų metinėmis, tikiuosi dainuosim abu ilgiausių metų, o ne kuris nors vienas (kai tavo kaimynai per...

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I guess it's a new year for you. How's the world doing? Is it still a train wreck? You said you'd figure out what you wanted to do by now. How'd that turn out? I hope you found something and that...

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Visi visi VDKat ir Co sveikina S su gimtadieniu!!! Šia gražia proga norime padeklamuoti eilėraštį: Ši diena skirta tik tau, Šią dieną švęski tik tu, Ši diena tau pati brangiausia,...

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