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Dear Me, I hope you're happy. I hope you're on your way to better things. You're working at the Casino now and you want to get into a different field. You've just broken up with a boyfriend and...

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Dear Future Self, Hi Future Self, I hope you're doing great! I hope you're still playing soccer & are as active as you I am now. I hope you're not as stressed as I am now. Please don't trip...

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Happy Graduation, Sol in the distant future! Sol Dollhausen Sunday, Dec 6 2019 12 years old!

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Sveikutė, Kaip praėjo ekskursija? Įsikėlė "bitlų" dainos? Nesvarbu, dabar aš tau papasakosiu kaip tu ruošeisi... Turėjai neptūno ir limonado buteliuką, sausainių, ir du...

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In the future I plan to save money by not going out to eat every time I get my hand on some money. Also I will plan to go to work with my uncle and put back a percentage of what I get paid every...

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