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2021 Dear Rohan from 2021, This is your buddy from 2020. I hope corona is gone. That shit bothered a lot. And I so goddamn hope that I've achieved something by 2021. Just a few things is all....

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if i could only go back to those days.. i would

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Sveika, Deimante, cia raso Laura. Taigi si laiska tau parasiau pries keturis metus ir tikiuosi tu noresi ji perskaityti. Dabar laikrodis rodo 17:39 ir siandien treciadienis. Per technologiju...

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Dear anishka, I’m writing you this letter instead of texting you because I’m in no mood to deal with your deflecting and denying any of all responsibility. The purpose of this letter is to...

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Czesc, pozdrawiam z urodzinami! Wiem ze juz dorosles. Zycze wszystkiego najlepszego! Rajmond 2013.04.02...

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