Am Beliebtesten
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Dear FutureMe, On this day you got a call from a BPO company saying that you will have your exam tomorrow. Its not the kind of job you want at this moment since you are expecting to work in a...

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۵۰۰ نفر ناهار عاشورا در صورت موفقیت شرکت رویای سبز

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E ai cara, preparado para as férias? Hoje é dia 23 e espero que os OKR`s tenham sido cumpridos :) O que pode dar ruim? - Não levantar a mão quando algo está dando errado. - Demorar a reagir....

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Dear future me, I was writing more than usual today and had uncommon thoughts coming to me like running horses. I was not especially happy but just full of emotions, I had plans for the future...

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Forgot to greet you a Happy birthday! Hahaha I guess I'm really that silly.

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