Am Beliebtesten
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Letzte Briefe
Joe. It's your past self. Actually, it's you at 32 years old. How are you? If you don't recall, you sent yourself an email off a website you stumbled. How is the future? Are you still...

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Auguri di buon Natale grande me. Tutto procede bene piuomeno, la cosa peggiore è l'ansia perché non ho "passato" il SAT quindi devo rifarlo ma ho anche preso 29/90 ad una simulazione di medicina...

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Dear Felix, What's new about your life? Are you enjoy being who you are right now? Do you have a dream? Do you want to live for science and thought, or passion and love? Hope you would have...

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At this point, camp is over. I am writing the day before my last year of camp, I am so excited. I also think that I will be excited for what I am doing when I get this letter. Hope fully a second...

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Niall Horan Harry Styles Zayn Malik Louis Tomlinsoon Liam Payne ONE DIRECTION One Dream , one band , ONE DIRECTION 2010 -

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