Am Beliebtesten
Das Neueste
Letzte Briefe
Happy New Year, Hi how are you? It's been 4months I guess I just wanna let you know that I love you and I miss you, I'm not sure if you could still read this but I don't care, I just wanted you...

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Hi future me happy Birthday how are u? I hope u good I hope u still playing handball and still skatebording I hope u are better than Maxim Habanec I hope u try all foods on the world I hope...

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Merry Christmas bb

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Анечка, привет, сейчас 03.03.2023. ого такая красивая дата..я кстати не выбирала ее,это так совпало. Это я. Точнее...

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When you are trying to avoid that person, and then all of a sudden, messaged you for a little while but in the end left you hanging. Well played. Like, I like falling into you deeply.

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