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Ну как ты там Канавка? Что получила за огэ па математике? На кого пошла учиться? Начала ли ты работать...

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hello, how r u...this is aman sen. this is written to test the site(letter 2 future) u must have to try this...let c is this is a joke or truth...so...dekhte hai. by...13/6/96

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Dear old old old old Kassidy, so you're about to graduate high school and i see you've already became supes rich. I know you are probably supes busy with you're...

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I am the table

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Dear Lika, It is Thursday, 10:20 and there is 40 more minutes left till your pre-last duty with Niki. You were talking about Georgia and you both gave promise that Niki and Keti will visit you...

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