Am Beliebtesten
Das Neueste
Letzte Briefe
Dear me..... I will be police women , I will have a red mercedes , I will have a beautiful and big house.

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Dabar yra vienas iš tų nežavių sekmadienių, kada ramybės neduoda ,kažkas ,ko nesugebu paaiškinti. Skaitydamas tai tu jausi šilumą ir mėgausies lietum,kurį dievinu labiausiai. Ir jei...

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Dear future Liam im in English class and it is 12:48. Had my bday a couple of days ago i got bunch of money hope your still getting heaps of money for you birthday in year 12 im in year 7 right now...

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Dear Future Me, Happy 23rd birthday! As you probably still remember, the "past you" was writing this in a term when thinking seemed so difficult, cause you had never been at this situation in...

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