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If you are reading this I hope to God you are atleast engadged. At this moment you and Amanda arent talking, and money is draining you badly. As your reading this i hope its after a long day at the...

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Dear me Are you still sad about Light's death in Death Note, if you arent i'm sure you are now that i reminded you. He died on a staircase like why!!!!!!!! So sad... Anyways is mrs.Smyrnios...

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Sveiki, MIELI TĖVELIAI! Rašau šį laišką 2011.09.21 22:42. Atsirado šauni programa, kuri mano laišką išsiųs bet kuriuo mano pasirinktu metu. Įdomu, kokia bus tada Jūsų reakcija....

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This is you, from 10 yrs ago. What are you doing now? Are you and Ben still together? Are your grown children part of your life yet? Do the girls still love and respect you? Are you as happy now as...

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Labas, mama. Čia rašau, aš Gintarė. Rašiau šį laišką prieš penkis metus, tada kai man buvo 15, o tu laukei savo 50 gimtadienio. Atradau šį tinklapį ir sugalvojau parašyti tau. Kaip...

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